Open meeting of the Groupement de Recherche « Linguistique informatique, formelle et de terrain »

June 4, 2019 at U Paris-Diderot.

Olympe de Gouges (8 rue Albert Einstein) rooms 126 and 127, from 9h30 to 18h00.

The idea is to have a meeting of the community to develop concrete ideas  for scientific collaboration, to foster the local community of  computational, formal and field linguists, and to gather proposals  regarding the organisation of future LIFT related events in 2019, 2020  and beyond. The meeting will also offer the opportunity to meet and  discuss with heads of all five research strands. Despite the regional  character, we also welcome people from all over France.

Coffee and snacks will be  provided thanks to LLF. We shall circulate an agenda closer to the date.  In case you have specific proposals or requests for discussion, please  contact  Berthold Crysmann ( If you want to attend thanks for sending Berthold a quick mail,  so he can better plan in terms of food and drinks.

Sponsored and organised by LLF.

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